+234 9168 475 388
info@wessembly.com +234 9168 475 388
Looking to expand your medical knowledge?

Check out our extensive courses on Healthcare and Medical procedures.

Join us to improve the quality of available healthcare services around the world.

Educational Services

Educating Healthcare professionals
since 2017.

Healthcare Services

Introduction of velocimetry and report standardization for biophysical profilling to improve diagnosis of fetal distress.

ICT Services

Integration of small and medium healthcare facilities to provide a network of Central Medical Hub.

What We Offer

provides a comprehensive suite of technology solutions dedicated to managing every aspect of healthcare delivery.

Providing Medical Facilities

Building and upgrading medical diagnostic facilites across the continent to meet international standards.

Equipment Faciliting

Facilitating the use of portable, cheap and easy to use diagnostic equipment such as the battery powered hand held ultrasound machines.

Training Service

Training healthcare workers to provide good quality healthcare service accross the world.

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Who we are

Our Vision

We are committed to providing exceptional care to our patients and their families.

All our efforts must be thoughtful, kind and loving. We are dedicated to creating and nurturing a fabric of compassionate relationships among physicians, care givers, patients and families to offer sensitive, understandable, high quality medical care experiences.

We recognize our responsibility to serve all in our community as they are the ultimate judge of how well we listen, respond and care.

Earning Opportunity

Are you a Medical practitioner confident in your ability to instruct others in your field?

Make passive income by signing up to take a medical course today.

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